By Colla Alberts
The Last Days before this fabulous auction ends, go to and click on the Dutch Flag and you will inmediality see NIC 2444 L’Hirondelle Gronsveld with a rich assortment of several Great Champions wich has spend a voucher our living Pigeon, never before so much champs in the same Auction,
Take this opportunity and make your Loft stronger and better as ever before
De Smeijter – Restian for example ist the fresh new Belgian Champion in that Long Distance Ranking
Karl Heinz Kanski winner of 1st National Barcelona 2004, 1st National Bordeaux 2005, 1st National and 1st International AGEN Yearlings 2014, in 2017 again a fabulous season on long distance
Janssen – Hausoul one of the best Dutch lofts on Long Distance
Lei Kurvers – Doctor Henk De Weerd, National and International Victorys their name is a real brand world wide
Freialdenhofen Family, a name like the Big Ben, in 2017 a new pearl on their crown as National Marathon Champ in Germany
and many many more as Wil Pieters wich offering a bird from his two National winners from Marseille and Tarbes…
Piet Boyen donated a pigeon as the 2017 Duch Champion on long distance with afternoon liberation a fabulous chance to become pigeons ideal for extreme Long Distances Races
Fon Lanckohr the last two Years one of the best in Limburg Province with many tremendous results f. i. 40th and 50th National PAU and first twe birds in that race
Pie Schurgers tripple winner of the Marathon titel in Limburg Province and National winner
Jean Marc Jaquemain allround fancier on all races,
Jo Pöttgens, the moral winner of Perpignan 2017 with arrival 25 minutes before closing the race, the only fancier timed in a bird in the Netherlands on Perpignan
Thei Peters the rising star in Long Distance races, tremendous successes in 2017
Jos Goessen with his Vandenabeele birds still going strong
Jan en Marleen Duits with every year at least two Provincial Victory’s on races between 70th and 500 kms distances
What about Hub Nijsten as a double National winner from PAU and Bordeaux
Jean Paul van Kerckvoorde a rteal Barcelona loft with in 2017 18 birds basketting and won 15 prizes started with 23th, 59th, 102th a.s.o better is dificult to realise I think, a great fancier with fantastic pigeons
Lambert van Bogaert, a fine and nice fancier with great results on long distances races on National and International level
Coos van Houten, YES from that very famous Barcelona loft, you MUST see and watch his results
Huub Smeets, that old Grandmaster special on Barcelona, this former farmer has one of the gratest names in long distance racing since so many years
Combination P & S Verbeek the National Marathon champs on National and International races its just fabulous to watch and enyoj their results
Pierre Stammen and Son, one of the best in the whole Netherlands, a great Family with maby the best birds into they lofts
Sandra and Antoon Deckers, the Man and Wife Top Fanciers into the Limburg and National and International Long Distance Scene with two National Victory’s
Marc Gielen ist a coming man but in a couple of years many fancier knows his name in and outside Limburg Province
Gerrit Hendrix and his charming wife Anny have on their race distance many times one of the fastest birds from extreme longdistances, they housed fantastic birds
Jac van den Bosch – Paul Grolleman are on this moment inside the Top 25 of the Netherlands on long distances, study their results and enyoj
Jaak Winkens – Rothenburg ist without any opposite one of the best in long distance Morning and Afternoon Liberation a champ with wunderful birds
Benny Steinhs ist a completely newcomer but his entrance has seen by everyone as fantastic, maby the loft for growing up the coming Years tremendous
The Masters themselfs Depasse – Lardenoye, last Barcelona in Belgium they has make a results never seen before, to become a bird from this loft ist just as a dream, well, heer Dreams become True…..
In the Limburg Hills the lofts sitiated from Anton and Patrick Delnoy, one of the most and the best secret tip we can give you
Gerard Griffioen with 2nd, 3rd, 4th National results we can talk about one of the best then such results are the drean\m of every long disnace fancier well Gerard has doing with his fantastic birds
Again a National Star with a National success ist Herry Peters, this former Military has many of pigeons from that Barcelona loft van Houten, take this opportunity you will be in two our three Years a champ too
The Jacobs Family are born with a pigeon in they heart, double national winners and in 2017 for the thirth time the Honour of 1st General (overall) Champion of the Limburg Province, a great Family with great birds, this ist your chance to buy very good long distance birds
Sjaak de Keijzer ist a wellknown fancier world wide, with his winns on PAU several years ago sjaaj attended the world of top fanciers, one of the finest and honest Man I knew with very good results year after year
Lucien Zechininon ist beacuse the fancier unbeateble in his Belgium Province of Liege on long distance look and enyoj his fabulous results as 1st National Bourges, 1st Semi National Jarnac a.s.o. take your chance heir and now
Harry and Roger Wijnands of Maastricht, every long distance fancier world wide knows they Names, several National and International Long Distance races are as scalp on their belt, famous but also as breeders world famous and housed on many lofts, buyer will be soon a champ too I promise
O Pals has take year after year National Top results, to many to announce but his name sounds as a sonate from Bach or Chopin
Didier and Benoit EMO with 2nd International Narbonne 2017, aggreed that we talking about a fancier with fantastic birds into his lofts, a chance as never before
fot buyer I think
Frederik Lelieart of Aardenburg, winner of 1st National St Vincent after his returning as fancier, I think his loft ist founded on the greatest birds from Belgium and the Netherlands, Frederik ist a very good fancier, buyer become great advices I’m very sure.
Founding Father Piet de Vogel of and his partner in sport, Jan Polder, they names sounds arround the Globe as National winners but special with strainbuilders as “de jonge stayer”,”de Paarsborst”, “De PAUMAN” etc but also “Annemarie”, Victoria”, Rainbouw Warrior” with three times within the first 10 in a National Long Distance race, a superb Couple of Masterbreeders and Matser Fanciers,
The last but not at least are the Say Bros, world famous with thei ABOR and MARTHA wich has won the first National and first International Perpignan, for sure one of the best lofts building with birds they all can fly first prizes.
We inviting you all to visit our auction on and click on the Dutch flag, go to NIC 2444 L’Hirondelle Gronsveld, we believe such chances comes ones in a lifetime the best Internationals fanciers thogether in ONE Auction, take your chance and become the best possible birds for you’re money.
We has to thanks you all and wish you a lot of successes with one or more birds from our Auction in the near Future.