Last weekend andre van de wiel and i Gilbert heijnen got an invitation to give a lecture about the pigeon sport.
It was organized by the pigeon club in Larne. Several fanciers out off the region even some English fanciers and a fancier from Canada were at the lecture. All kinds off subjects passed and it was a verry interesting evening. The auction off 10 pigeons was a great succes. After a good english breakfast we made a tour trough the country side and we visited 4 fantastic pigeon fanciers. All top fanciers in there category. What a quality off pigeons !! National winners , sprinters, middle and long distance pigeons. Me and Andre were asthonished by the top quality. David Campbell with his fantastic loft and group off young pigeons, Tommy Mclean the nat Champion and the fantastic health off the pigeons. And his nat winner. ( his coffee and thea was also verry good) Davy Kelvin the young motivator. Top team off red pigeons and a verry good system. Winner against thousands off pigeons. Than Jeff Greeneway. The builder off fantastic quality off averies. And a great team off winning pigeons. Also on the nationals. What a fantastic day it was. In the evening we had a good meal and some verry interesting pigeon talk. You never to old to learn something. Listen/Learn/Win. After a Guiness i saw a little bid double. The last day was the historical cultural day. A fantastic country side allong the coast. An historical meeting in a castle and a nice meal allong the coast. Andre and i agreed it was a weekend for never to forget. The preperations Andre had to make for the covid papers were incredible. but we made it. We want to give a special word off thank to John Wheatcroft for inviting us the board off the pigeon club to organize for a 100 %. And then our guide, taxi driver, organizer and historical Man Mr Robert Mills a special applause for his work. In the plane Andre were again talking about the great archievements off the irish pigeons. Flying 13 hours , crossing the Cannel, Cornwall, Bristol Chanel, Wales, and than the Irish sea. AMAZING !!!!!!! Een collega frans maakte mij attent op de volgende tekst. Duiven kunnen kunst herkennen. Zelfs onderscheiden .
. Ook kleuren werden goed herkent. Nu te koop!!
3e prijs race 4 (316 km) Avirings one-loft race. Deze duif wint tevens 15e asduif en 13e grand points. Duif is volle zus 17e prijs finale Algarve great derby 2021 (491 km). —————————————————————————-- Now for sale!! 3th price race 4 (316 km) Avirigs one-loft race. This pigeon wins also 15th ace-pigeon and 13th grand points. She is a full sister of 17th price in the final of Algarve Great derby 2021 (491 km). Afgelopen zaterdag bezoek uit frankrijk. Dhr Philippe Bazille had een bon gekocht. Na een leuk gesprek ( in het frans)
over de duiven en training vroeg ik naar zijn resultaten. Ja ik ben redelijk tevreden zei hij. Wat heeft u dan gemaakt. de 1e INT. DUIVINNEN VAN BARCELONA. Toen werd het even stil !!!!! Foto MR PHILIPPE BASILLE 1e int Barcelona femelles 2021 a Gronsveld. Gisteren alweer bezoek gehad van verschillende liefhebbers uit de regio en het buitenland. Op zowel vitesse / midfond/
eend fond/ en grote fond werden er duiven gebracht voor Italië. In december zullen deze duiven weer worden verkocht. Al meer dan 20 jaar gaat de opbrengst naar goede doelen. Kindertehuis, gehandicapten, en waterputten in Peru en Bolivia. Dr Zanni en zijn team dankt alle schenkers voor hun gaven. Zeker na het moeilijke seizoen van afgelopen jaar. SCHENKERS BEDANKT EN PROOST ! |
February 2025
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